
Middle East

ICRC: “We are on the brink of collapse”

Further escalation in Gaza will claim incredible human toll

Interview with ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric Egger conducted by Gordana Mijuk (NZZ am Sonntag)

(9 November 2023) Interview with ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric Egger conducted by Gordana Mijuk (NZZ am Sonntag)

Middle East

October 2023 – News from the war

by Karin Leukefeld,* Syria/Germany

(1 November 2023) Little is known these days about what is happening to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the occupied Palestinian territories in the West Bank. The news is dominated by Israeli or US sources; voices from Gaza or the West Bank hardly appear.

Genocide against the Palestinians – Craig Mokhiber steps down

by Alfred de Zayas, Geneva

(1 November 2023) Craig Mokhiber has the courage that every international civil servant should have. He has stepped down from his post as Chief of the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in protest against the failure of the United Nations to stop the genocide being perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinians.

Middle East

No takers for a West Asian war but war seems inevitable

by M.K. Bhadrakumar,* India

(31 October 2023) There is no question that smart power enhances foreign policy. Since the notion of “smart power” entered international diplomacy some two decades ago, a major regional power, Iran, is applying it to an actual conflict situation.

Multipolarity, an order still to be established

by Guy Mettan,* Geneva

(25 October 2023) Geneva readily positions itself as an international city, a humanitarian city, and a city of peace. Unfortunately, its commitment and tradition have been undermined since Switzerland decided, at the end of February 2022, to break its tradition of neutrality and move closer to NATO.


Israel and Occupied Territories: People caught in rising violence need your help

(25 October 2023) The hostilities that broke out Saturday 7 October are at a level that we have not seen in many years. They have the potential to cause even more suffering to civilians on both sides.