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Questionable cascades of reforms in schools

Children are expected to choose their own educational goals

by Christine Staehelin*

(12 April 2024) Amid the current education debate – initiated by the Association of Head Teachers and Principals, followed by the Swiss Teachers’ Association LCH and various “school modernisers” – there is also talk of learning landscapes, individualised teaching and learning coaches. For teacher Christine Staehelin in Basel, this is an indication of a helplessness as to what the actual task of the school is.

Africa on the rise: The Sahel's 'Axis of Resistance'

by Pepe Escobar,* columnist at “The Cradle”

(12 April 2024) The African Sahel is revolting against western neocolonialism – ejecting foreign troops and bases, devising alternative currencies, and challenging the old multinationals. Multipolarity, after all, cannot flower without resistance paving its path.

“The only legal sanctions are those imposed by the Security Council”

UN Charter, UN Credibility and unlawful UCMs

by Alfred de Zayas,* Geneva

(CH-S) On 25 March 2024, Russia has convened a meeting “under the Arria formula” on the impact of “Unilateral Coercive Measures” (UCMs) on the global fight against terrorism.

Individual members of the UN Security Council have the option of convening an informal meeting on important topics in accordance with the Arria formula. It owes its name to the Venezuelan ambassador Diego Arria, who initiated this type of meeting for the first time in 1992.


„Schools are saturated with ideology“

The new Syllabus for high schools wants to improve the world. Critics warn of indoctrination, and some cantons have already expressed opposition

by Nadja Pastega, Journalist at the SonntagsZeitung

(5 April 2024) Reading, writing and arithmetic are no longer enough. Schools are getting more and more tasks. The draft for a new framework Syllabus is now available for the Swiss A-level schools. It is 136 pages long. In an earlier version there were even 400 pages.


Taurus threatens us all

No delivery, no further war escalation!

Craftsmen for Peace,* Dessau-Rosslau

(5 April 2024) With French President Emmanuel Macron's announcement not to rule out the use of NATO troops and plans by some hardliners to use Taurus cruise missiles against Russia, war in Donbass looms to expand in Europe. Whatever the opinion on this war, facts remain the same for both supporters and opponents of Taurus missiles’ delivery:

With its role in the Ukraine war the European Union may risk its own political future

Michael von der Schulenburg* and Hans-Joachim Funke**

(5 April 2024) The deteriorating military situation in Ukraine and the United States increasing withdrawal from this war created a situation in which the EU is now pushed into the forefront in dealing with this problem.

Probably for the first time since the end of the Second World War, the EU would thus have the opportunity, independent of US geopolitical considerations, to take a lead in determining Europe's fate in such a crucial issue as war and peace in Europe.